Thursday 18 April 2013

Best Weight Loss Tips

Are you struggling to loss weight? Have you read every losing weight tip you come across and yet not going anywhere near your goal? When we are desperate to shed off pounds we tend to succumb to every weight loss tip especially if it promises fast results. We follow fad diets or pop pills that promise us that bikini body. We put our focus on getting thin not minding if we are losing weight healthily. We forget to listen to experts that say effective weight loss can only be achieve through diet and exercise. Fitness boot camps such as Revival operates on this basic principle. The advantage of joining one training under the experts watchful eye. If you wish to know more about boot camps you can visit The articles below might be helpful.

Top Weight Loss Tips from MyFoodDiary Success Stories

  1. boot camp group exerciseSurround yourself with cheerleaders who are supportive of your weight loss journey.

  2. There will be times when you want to throw in the towel and revert back to your old ways. But remember that you are worthy and deserving of being healthy and fit.

  3. Splurge on occasion. There are some folks that say you shouldn't reward yourself with food. I think the occasional reward is healthy.

  4. Learn to make your favorite recipes with healthier options, and use portion control when it comes to those foods that may not be the best choice.

  5. Remember, you are not DIETING. You are making a lifestyle change.

  6. It takes only 60 minutes a day to exercise. It is a perfect time to concentrate on yourself and express your love for life.

  7. Be open to giving different exercise options a try and join a fitness facility if you are able. I have found that connecting with individuals at the club keeps me accountable and engaged. Surround yourself with active people! original source

I totally agree with tip number one of this article. Have somebody cheering you on like what they do in Revival Boot Camp North Devon can surely do wonders to boost your morale.

Top 10 best diet tips

  1. good nutrition is essential for weight lossThink of what you can eat, and not what you can’t. When most people think of going on a diet, the thought of saying no to a lot of foods can really turn them off. A good way to stay positive and inspired is to think of all the food you can eat – plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, veggie bhels etc. The options are substantial, healthy and quite mouth-watering.

  2. Keep a food diary. Several studies have shown that those who keep a food diary see far better weight-loss results than those who don’t. By keeping a food diary, you’re ensuring that you’re eating healthy, nutritious food and avoiding foods that can derail your diet plans.

  3. Weigh yourself regularly. You could either weigh yourself daily, or once a week, depending on how you want to go about it. Regular weight checks help to ensure that your diet is in fact, working for you.

  4. Call it “eating healthy” and not “dieting”. The word “dieting” can get a variety of responses from your friends and family. Some friends may feel pity for you, while some older uncles and aunties might lecture you on how bad dieting is and how you’ll lose your glow etc. To avoid all these unnecessary discussions with well-wishers, just them you’re eating healthy while politely saying no to that samosa and grabbing a handful of nuts instead.

  5. Drink two glasses of water just before your meal. This neat little trick helps to give you a feeling of fullness, so you don’t end up overeating.

  6. Snack smart. The most important thing to remember about dieting is to never allow yourself to feel starved. Always carry healthy snacks like nuts, fruits or whole biscuits with you and just pop them in between meals, so you never feel deprived.

  7. Big breakfast, small dinner. This one’s an oldie, but a goodie! Eating a good breakfast not only keep you going through the day, but is also essential for your body after it’s been deprived of food all night. Dinner, on the other hand, should be light and preferably had at least a three of four hours before you sleep.

  8. Eat at the dining table. Avoid eating in front of the TV as that just leads to mindless overeating. Eat a nice family dinner at the dining table instead.

  9. Don’t forget to exercise. Someone once said, very rightly, that dieting and exercise are like the two wings on a plane. Without both, the plane can’t tale off. Just because you’re dieting, doesn’t mean you can skip the exercise. Do both to get maximum benefits and feel healthy.

  10. Sleep well. Sleeping a full 7 to 8 hours not only helps you stay fresh and healthy, but also aids your weight loss efforts. So don’t skimp on sleep, eat healthy, exercise and you’ll definitely achieve your weight-loss goals. click here for original article 

This article reiterates the importance of combining exercise and proper diet for weight loss (tip #9).

Did you notice that both articles keep on harping on the importance of both diet and exercise for weight loss? This is to underscore that healthy weight loss means not cutting corners. The best part of shedding pounds is not only looking good but keeping fit. Health is wealth and as the articles above are saying, calling it healthy eating instead of dieting is also better for your morale. Click here to learn more about healthy lifestyle.

Larry Guillory

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Can You Eat Your Snack and Loss Weight Too?

Have you ever wondered if snacking is thwarting your weight loss efforts?  There are different schools of thought regarding the effect of snacking to weight loss. There are those who say that eating between meals is a no-no when you want to slim down. Still, some experts say that it is perfectly alright to have a snack as long as you are eating healthy food. You probably guessed now that the answer to the question may be yes or no, depending on what you are snacking on. We all know that together with exercise, proper food intake is crucial for the success of your weight loss efforts. Yet if we try to observe nutrition boot camp, we might be delighted to know that some delicious, guilt free cakes, bars and biscuits are part of the menu (in fact Revival Boot Camp is known for their afternoon tea treats). So if you think you to take a closer look on this surprise, check And while you are at it, here are articles that might help you decide whether it good for you or not. 

3 Snack Tips For Faster Weight Loss

  1. healthy snack is good for weight lossIt's just a snack: Counting calories is no fun, but it's a must if you want to see results. Grabbing what you think is a snack-size portion such as a huge handful of trail mix, peanut butter on bread, or cheese and crackers can actually turn out to be way more calories than you need. Stick to 150-calorie snacks, and be sure to read labels — many bars contain well over 200 calories.

  2. Choose wet: Dry snacks like granola bars and chips may be easy, but they tend to be calorie-dense. Make a habit of going for wet snacks like fresh fruits and veggies. The high water content packs fewer calories into bigger servings, which means you can nosh on a lot and feel full without consuming tons of calories.

  3. The more fiber, the better: Aim for a snack that contains at least five grams of fiber to fill you up and keep that full feeling going strong until supper. Pears, figs, and cereal make great options. original source 

10 Ways to Have That Snack and Lose Weight

To snack and lose weight, it's important to choose snacks that: 

  1. are higher in fiber and important nutrients. Whole grains, beans, and fruits and vegetables contain fiber plus nutrients, and low-fat dairy and lean meats contain important nutrients, so your snacks aren't just contributing "empty" calories (calories without nutritional value).

  2. include carbohydrates with lower glycemic indexes (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts) so the energy from the snack won't hit your blood stream quickly and all at once, thus triggering another craving when it wears off.

  3. are balanced with small amounts of protein and some of the more heart-helpful fats such as monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. These more balanced snacks tend to feel more satisfying and filling, take longer to digest, and supply energy over a longer period of time. Plant foods such as nuts and seeds, soy foods, avocados, and olive and canola oils offer these helpful fats, and the nuts and soy also offer protein to balance carbohydrate-rich foods original source

exercise to keep yourself fitSnacks: How they fit into your weight-loss plan

You can eat more of foods with high water or fiber content and few calories, such as carrots, grapes and air-popped popcorn, for your 100 calories. Choose snacks from these food groups: 

  1. Fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables provides a feeling of fullness and only a small number of calories. Fruits and vegetables also provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

  2. Whole grains. Whole-grain snacks are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, which give you energy with staying power. Look for items such as low-fat whole-grain crackers, whole-grain pretzels and whole-grain crispbreads.

  3. Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds provide protein, so you will feel fuller longer. They are high in fat, but it's mostly monounsaturated, a healthy kind of fat. Nuts and seeds are high in calories, however, so don't eat them in large quantities.

  4. Low-fat dairy products. Cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are good sources of calcium and protein, plus many other vitamins and minerals. Choose the low-fat versions. Some yogurts have extra added sugar, so look for plain, low-calorie or "light" varieties.  original source

Now I am finally settled. The articles above are really informative. Knowing what is healthy snack has encouraged me more to work for my goal. Now I understand why I feel so deprived before - a feeling that causes me to cheat with my diet even more. The video is also very comprehensive. The tips they have given on what specific snack food is helpful for weight loss are very good. Now, we don't have to wonder whether we are still on track. Check on Revival and how they can help you. Be one of those who have successfully met their weight loss goals  by clicking here.

Daniel Dougherty

Monday 1 April 2013

Are Celebrity Weight Loss Tips Safe?

We often look up to celebrities as role models. We get inspired when we see them battle with weight loss and win. We feel that anything they can do, we also can. However, things are not always the same. When we talk of celebrity weight loss, it is oftentimes accompanied by expensive pills or extravagant diet schemes. Experts have always said that the way to healthy weight loss is a combination of exercise and proper nutrition.  Celebrities who subscribe to this idea  really go through exercise and proper diet much like in boot camp England. One of the most trusted camps is Revival Boot Camp in Devon. If you wish to find out more about them, please click here.

Meanwhile, here are some articles for you to ponder upon...

Celebrity Weight Loss Tips Debunked By Expert

boot camp exercisesAt UKMedix News we have always ranted and raved about the dangers of celebrity weight loss tips and warned our readers to stay well away from them! Recently, we came across research done by an eminent Professor of complementary medicine from the University of Exeter who decided to have a good look at celebrity weight loss tips and see if there was any value in them!

Professor Edzard Ernst has spent a number of years carefully evaluating individual alternative diet remedies promoted by celebrities and said that he couldn’t find any which he would actually recommend to people who want to lose weight.

Professor Ernst Also pointed out that many people believe that celebrity weight loss tips were completely risk free when in fact the opposite applied. He said that despite the clinical evidence that showed that for example acupuncture did not have any benefits for weight loss, celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez and Elle Macpherson still claimed that it really worked and thus encouraged other people to try it.

He also warned that things like herbal supplements could give you insomnia, severe headaches and stomach problems. Celebrity weight loss tips often involve buying supplements which are expensive such as in the case of QuickTrim promoted by Kim Kardashian. original source

Hot Celebrities Secret Tips for Quick Weight Loss

Calculating Calories for Quick Weight Loss

exercises for weight lossCelebrities got their personal trainer, diet planner or nutritionists who just take care of their every effort, more and overall performance of their progress in weight loss calories burning with some gadgets like booklet or phone apps although it's not complex but the more you eat calories the more you gain weight and expand your waist line. If you find an excuse that you don't have personal trainer and nutritionists you can't lose weight ideally losing 300 to 450 calories per day is right way for ace weight loss.

Smart Exercise of Celebrities for Quick Weight Loss

Exercise sharper, not harder, the genuine scratch to successful weight loss, if you are a star or not, is to join a solid eating methodology with cardiovascular practice and weight preparing. Practicing more intelligent for 30 minutes every day, 5 days for every week can actually quicken weight misfortune. That is the way the celebs do it! Interim preparing and high-intensity aerobics are extraordinary techniques for action for snappy weight loss. Consuming healthy snacks among suppers is one of the best kept mysteries of how show biz stars shed pounds. Consistent with specialists, this aides increment the metabolism which is exceptionally vital for weight misfortune. Simply recollect that the nibble ought to be level in calories and sugar. It may as well additionally have direct measures of protein, small fat and some sound sugars. Consuming this is the reason famous celebrities like dependably snacks among suppers. original source

Did you find the articles helpful? I think the first one was really good. I agree that some weight loss schemes endorsed by celebrities are commercially driven and not in any way beneficial. However, some celebrities are good role models when it comes to health and fitness. They not only spouse the idea of losing weight the healthy way but shows us that it can be done as well. The second article have articulated that concept quite clearly. Part of what they do to jump start their journey towards health is joining a boot camp like Revival so they get proper training from experts. Know more about the by visiting their website at

Herbert Williams

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Stop Struggling With Weight Loss By Following These Tips

Are you struggling to lose weight? If you are like me then I am pretty sure you understand what I mean. Aiming for weight loss takes a lot of discipline and tons of inspiration. Going through diet and exercise routines can be exhausting especially if nobody is cheering you on or you do not have an inspiration to motivate you. For most of us, we look up to celebrities who have shown us that it can be done given the correct discipline - just like actress Sophia Anderton going to Revival Boot Camp Devon recently to undergo bootcamp training (to learn more about this method, click here). Here are some celebrity tips that I gathered to help you out:

Jillian Michaels: Weight-Loss Tips That Work

  1. Swear off fad diets - You know the kind, says Jillian: "Everyone's like: 'Give up carbs!' 'Give up fat!' 'Wait, no, now I'm taking pills!' None of them are manageable long-term—and they wreak havoc with your metabolism! Because you're either starving yourself or you're cutting out a major food group. Then you go back into weight-gain mode, but it's even worse, because your body has adjusted to all that crazy fad crap."

  2. exercising for weight lossBe an 80/20 eater - "Make 80 percent of the food you eat healthy and take 20 percent of your daily calories and make them fun." Otherwise, Jillian says, you'll feel deprived—and more tempted to go off the deep end.

  3. Speak in positives - "When you tell yourself what you 'have to' do or what you 'can't' do, the deprivation language makes you rebel. But if you say, 'I'm not going to have that—I won't' it's a choice and you're in control."

  4. Get your sleep - "Sleep is a cornerstone of weight management because of the impact it has on your hormones that control how you burn fat, how you store fat, and how you're maintaining muscle. The better your hormone balance, the better your weight management. I work my butt off to get eight hours a night, but right now I'm at six—the show is murdering me! Even if I go to bed early my son wakes up."

  5. Diversify your workout - "When you work multiple muscles at the same time, you're getting your cardiovascular exercise in while you strength-train. You're not only saving time, but you're burning more calories while you're doing it."

  6. Order wisely at restaurants - "Order without looking at the menu. Almost every restaurant has the basics—veggies, grains, and protein. If you go in knowing what you want, I guarantee you'll be able to make a meal. If you're too uncomfortable to ask for what you need, tell a white lie: Say you're allergic. I know it's controversial to suggest this, but women in particular can really have trouble standing up for their own needs. So if you want the broccoli soup puréed without cream, tell the waiter you're lactose intolerant."

  7. Scout out lunch spots near the office - "Make a 'slim lunch options' book of all the takeout places in your area where you know there'll be healthy things to eat. When I used to have an office job I'd think, OK, there's the Italian place, but I can get the antipasto salad with light cheese, no salami, dressing on the side."

  8. Travel with snacks - "Pack small meals you can make in a hotel room. I bring oatmeal packets like Nature's Path Hemp Plus, because you can make it with a coffeemaker, and snacks like a bag of almonds, a 22 Days vegan hemp protein bar, or Justin's peanut butter or almond butter in packets." 

  9. Fill up before parties - "Eat a filling, healthy snack before you leave home. And take a healthy dish so it's like you're contributing, but you've also covered your ass with something you can eat!"

  10. Eat citrus every day - "Vitamin C inhibits the production of cortisol, a hormone that essentially tells your body, 'Store fat.' Eat grapefruit slices with breakfast." original source

proper nutrition for weight lossFamous Celebrity Weight Loss Diets

  1. The Five Factor Weight Loss Diet: This particular diet is quite popular among celebrities and it assures to give you the desired results in a span of five weeks only. According to this diet, you ought to intake small meals five times in a day with every meal prepared from five distinct ingredients. The diet provides you the privilege of five cheat days, wherein you can relax and keep away from the diet once in a week. Apart from the diet regime, you need to perform a 25-minutes workout on a daily basis.

  2. Atkins Diet: The primary principle of this diet is that it should shift your body in a situation of ketosis through which the body can use the fat as fuel. This will lead to instant weight loss. During the first couple of weeks in this diet, you just have to intake meats, cheese and fats. You must eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. With the onset of third week, you must reintroduce carbohydrates into your diet. Nevertheless, refined foods and those containing sugar in high quantities such as white flour must be eliminated completely from the diet.

  3. Blood Group Weight Loss Diet: The basis of this particular diet is that the lectins found in the food will respond to all types of blood groups and thus, an individual with a specific blood group must intake only specific types of foods to stay fit and thin. For instance, individuals with O blood group need to include loads of meats into their diet. People with A blood group must consume vegetarian foods as well as must avoid red meat completely. Further, people with B blood group ought to eat loads of dairy products, whereas people of AB blood group must consume a diet that is a mixture of the diet recommended for A and B blood group people.

  4. Exercise: Celebrities such as Denise Richards, Melanie Brown and Heidi Klum amazed the masses by shunning a straight 30-40 pounds off their bodies within a few months post delivery. According to these celebrities, exercising daily under the guidance of a personal and expert trainer is the best way to shun weight. A perfect and effective weight loss exercise routine is the one, which includes the blend of stretches and cardiovascular workouts along with weight training. original source


The first article above have given us very practical tips that worked. I like it very much because it has given emphasis to healthy habits that we can develop through seemingly unimportant daily routines.  I realized that aiming for weight loss doesn't mean doing huge actions that we cannot sustain but rather small consistent steps towards imbibing a healthy ifestyle. At Revival Boot Camp North Devon, working towards your goal becomes easier and fun. To know more, please visit there website at

Theodore Miller

Monday 11 March 2013

Tired Of Diet Tips That Don\'t Work?

We are bombarded everyday with diet tips here and there. Over information causes more confusion and some are even out just to cash in on the ignorance of a lot of people. If you are like me who likes to follow these trends, I am sure you are overwhelmed as well by the sheer amount of infomercials you encounter. Knowing what is right and healthy is important before trying a program. That is why i prefer testimonials from boot camp weight loss participants because they have been there and can attest whether the program works or not.

Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight Effectively

  1. exercise for fitnessThe Fit for Life Diet: which is based on the principles of food combining. Based on the principles set forth originally by the famous naturalist Dr. Herbert Shelton, one is to eat proteins and carbohydrates at separate meals. Each meal should contain abundant vegetables. See the Suzanne Somers Diet which is based on this principle as well. You will get many diet tips from this popular diet. Except for eating only fruits in the morning, the basic laws of food combining can be extremely effective in helping you shed those pounds.

  2. Atkins Diet: This approach has proven itself over and over again helping people consistently lose weight by totally abolishing carbs, including complex carbohydrates. According to Atkins, vegetables are adequate your carbohydrates intake, and will not cause weight gain.

  3. Calorie Restriction Diet: If you were to restrict your daily calories, you will most likely lose weight. The key is to do this wisely. Don’t rush. I’ve seen people lose weight quite effectively by starting out at 2300 calories a day, and each week or two, they would lower the calorie intake to 1600 calories. They suffered no side effects, no hunger and no cravings. They just continued to lose weight until they reached their goals.

  4. Independent of which diet you are on, stick to it. I have seen people do diets on a two week rotational basis. Either they would get tired of their present diet, or would run into a snag, such as cravings, and they would break the diet and try another one. This “yo yo” approach to dieting will never work. Pick a diet and make it work for you. Fix the holes, and create a balance. True, some diets may work better than others, but you can find the one that has given you the most results, and stick to it.

  5. Gymnema: Gymnema has always worked for my clients to break their cravings. Take one or two gymnema tablets at each meal to help balance your blood sugar.

  6. Antioxidants: Acai and goji berries make a perfect balance to help you with your weight loss. They help balance your blood sugar, as well as detoxify your body from years of toxic buildup and eating all the wrong “junk” foods.

  7. Water: Hydrating your body continues to detoxify as well as curb your appetite. Especially if the water itself is more alkaline such as in Liquid Coral Water. An alkaline body helps to flush out the excess toxins, so make sure to drink plenty of water!

  8. Homeopathic Growth Hormone: (over the counter, and not the kind of growth hormone taken by baseball players) can do wonders for increasing your metabolism and helping you lose weight.

  9. Exercise: Make sure to get enough daily exercise! Exercise works best in the mornings or afternoons. Aerobic exercise can pick up your metabolism, so if you exercise at night and then go to sleep, you will not get all the benefits of the increased metabolism. original source

 7 tips for diet success

boot camp routinesPrepare for the week ahead by making a meal plan and doing your shopping for the week. Buy enough for lunch and dinner and healthy snacks for the next five days, she suggested.

Cook at least two meals from your plan and freeze them on Sunday, she added.“I call them sacred Sundays. Use this day to reset and nourish yourself and that way you will find the week doesn’t pile up on you and you are more rested and in control. This prevents you from running on empty,” she explained.

Burrell suggests writing down an exercise plan for every day of the week. Prioritise Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for exercise so that if things get busy later in the week you have at least three sessions done, Burrell said.

“Given our sedentary lives and jobs we also need to include half-an-hour to one-hour of walking to make up for how much we don’t move during the day. This could be walking to the station, or taking a half hour walk at lunchtime,” she said.

Burrell recommends drinking only one milk coffee a day, eating breakfast before 8am, making vegetables the focus of your snacks and having one, low calorie day per week. Bring lunch to work four days a week and avoid eating at your desk, she suggests.

Take a good combination of protein, carbohydrate and vegetables, followed by a cup of herbal tea and try for at least a 20-minute walk after you eat to aid digestion and up your movement quota.

Get up early and don’t sleeping too late, as it can set your day back and can lead to problems spiralling out of control, she said. Eat the majority of your food by 3pm. Breakfast by 8am, lunch by 1pm and dinner by 7pm, she recommends.

Learn how to compensate, she said. For example if you overindulge for one meal make sure the next one is as light as possible, like a replacement-meal shake or a salad. original source

Did you find the articles helpful? I like the second article so much because I find it sensible and does not over promise. It teaches us how to work for it by following sensible weight loss tips. I love the video as well. The suggested meals are not only healthy but also nutritious and easy to prepare. Dieting becomes exciting if we make nutritious food delicious too. I learned from my brother that the boot camp diet given to them at fat camp uk is like this too - nutritious and sumptuous. And the best part of it all? I saw him drop a size down in a week's time. Now, isn't that amazing?

Nicholas Brown

Friday 1 March 2013

Ways To Win The Fitness Battle

Every sensible man and woman wants to stay fit and healthy. We all recognize that the quality of our lives depend largely on the the state of our body's wellness. Optimum health is not only freedom from debilitating illnesses but is a condition where one can embrace the fullness of life without the help of synthetic medication. We will never know the value of good health unless we lose it. Carrying extra pounds makes our heart work harder and will cause a host of diseases. So before we get to that point, it is best that we start doing boot camp workouts and lose weight 

Tips for Winning the Weight Loss Battle

bootcamp exercise routineFitness expert Mary Drake you owns Ultimate Body Shaping in Cedar Rapids says if you want to lose weight you should be consuming about 15-hundred calories a day. Your exercise routine can also be weighing you down.Drake says the key is to find a workout you love. That way it's not boring and you won't hit the snooze instead of getting up and getting active. She recommends classes because they keep you accountable and you have a group of people with the same goals to help motivate you. No matter what kind of workout you're doing she says you need to switch it up every 8 weeks to keep from hitting that plateau. And don't just do cardio. "Weight lifting for everyone. Definitely men and women, but women as they tend to get older you want to prevent osteoporosis. So you definitely want to add adds muscle in there as well and muscle will rev up the metabolism,” said Mary Drake, Owner of Ultimate Body Shaping. Drake says achieving your weight loss goals is possible for everyone! But diet and exercise really do go hand in hand and you can't achieve your goals without both. original source

Weight Loss Made Simple With These Tips

  1. fitness bootcamp weekendThere will be lots of natural fluctuations in your weight. It is more important to pay attention to your weight’s overall trend than to its day to day shifts.

  2. One of the best ways to ensure that you stay on track with your weight loss goals is to prepare large meals once a week and freeze them into individual portion sizes. Having a freezer filled with healthy meals that could easily be reheated will help you stay away from buying pizza or ordering fast food.

  3. Add lots of fruits to your diet to lose weight quickly. Eat fruits with lower calories more often than high calorie fruits like grapes.

  4. Walnuts are a wonderful food to have when on a diet. A scientific study showed that eating walnuts in the morning will make you feel more full for a longer time than normal breakfast foods.

  5. You shouldn’t eat within three hours of going to bed, and be sure it’s a low-carb meal. It will also keep you full throughout the night.

  6. You can lose weight by walking. Walking is not only good for losing weight, but it can keep your appetite satisfied. original source

The articles above are well written and offers sensible advise. The second article says it is good to know that it is normal to have fluctuations in weight so we should not sight of our goals. We are also reminded that a healthy weight loss is never achievable is we put the combination of exercise and proper nutrition out of the equation. The video is also very informative. Weight loss is indeed a transformation for the better. If we want to attain health and fitness, we need to make a decision. Visit and learn how to be truly fit and healthy.


Jeremy Klinger

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Looking For Fun While Working Out?

Fitness bootcamps are places were losing weight becomes fun and exciting. Although generally perceived as highly inclined to military boot camp training, many of those who have gone to these boot camps attests to the enjoyable way the training is conducted. Participants are motivated to work hard  during the routines because they find themselves enjoying the atmosphere. Here is a glimpse of what a weight loss boot camp life is.

What is Fitness Boot Camp

fitness trainingFitness Boot Camp is an outdoor exercise class that is done in a group setting. It combines calisthenic exercises with ones that rely on your own body weight for results. These combinations are done in an interval training style and combines a healthy mix of strength training, as well. There are several different types of fitness boot camps, however they are all designed to motivate and encourage participants to exceed their normal effort and achieve more. Due to this style they have been deemed fitness boot camps.

These boot camps typically last four to eight weeks and consist of some of the following activities:

  • Running and sprints

  • Push ups

  • Weight training

  • Yoga

Due to the boot camp style there is little rest in between exercises. Participants are encouraged to keep moving and working the entire time to maximize results. original source

What a Boot Camp Can do For You?

training exercises at boot campFitness is one of the most important assets for all of us. Nowadays, remaining healthy and fit is very difficult because of the hectic life schedule. People don’t have time to do workouts at home in order to remain in shape. For this reason, various fitness boot camps are coming in the light, and people are getting attracted towards this kind of camps. These camps are becoming so much famous because of their ability to let you into proper shape and balanced body structure. The predominant reason due to which most of the individuals like to join these camps is their need to lose weight within a short period of time. The various workout sessions offered by these camps not only make you learn the way to eat healthy, but also teach you how to stay fit and energetic. The different programs, which are undertaken in these training sessions are typically accommodated by gyms and personal trainers.

It is very much vital to take all the necessary steps in order to remain fit and healthy. Fitness boot camp usually present a combination of Cardio, weight training and body weight exercises that help greatly in losing weight and increasing the body’s stamina power. Apart from this, the weight loss boot camps are very much affordable and are able to help you in burning out lots of calories in a short period of time with the help of different workout sessions. One will never get bored as so many exercises, outdoor workouts, and things are there to do. These fitness camps are therefore, great help as they are not restricted only to the equipments in a gym. Various outdoor activities using the least amount of machines can surely have a good effect on your health along with the burning of excess fats. original source

My Week At REVIVAL Fitness Boot Camp Day 1 By Sophie Anderton

Sophie Anderton at Revival Boot CampOur first day included boxing, abs and core work indoors, and circuit training outdoors. The highlight of the day without a doubt was the team bonding games, which included rounder’s, kicking a ball around and tug of war. It’s amazing how rolling around in the mud can instantly make a group bond! Although you might expect some bitchiness or rivalry in a group of women, there is absolutely none of that and there is already such a sense of camaraderie.

Marty the trainer is fantastic. He doesn’t shout at anyone, he just encourages and makes us all laugh, which makes us all want to work harder. Even though he is putting us through our paces, he makes it fun. I have been on other boot camps before which were far too military in style and I just have not enjoyed myself.

The accommodation is beautiful and the food is delicious. Diana the chef is truly talented. People might expect rabbit food and stingy portions on a boot camp, but that couldn’t be further from my experience with REVIVAL. So far we have enjoyed generous portions of food which I would more than happily eat at home, like chicken tarragon and Thai spinach soup.original source

I like the article about Sophie Anderton best. It has been said that you always do your best in anything when you are happy doing it. It is heartwarming to know that rolling on the mud could be so much fun! Her write up about enjoying every bit of her time at Revival has changed my perception about boot camps. You see, I have always thought of boot camps in dire terms especially the food. Now I know why ultimate boot camp uk is gaining so much popularity. Need I say more?

Marlene Dennis