Thursday 18 April 2013

Best Weight Loss Tips

Are you struggling to loss weight? Have you read every losing weight tip you come across and yet not going anywhere near your goal? When we are desperate to shed off pounds we tend to succumb to every weight loss tip especially if it promises fast results. We follow fad diets or pop pills that promise us that bikini body. We put our focus on getting thin not minding if we are losing weight healthily. We forget to listen to experts that say effective weight loss can only be achieve through diet and exercise. Fitness boot camps such as Revival operates on this basic principle. The advantage of joining one training under the experts watchful eye. If you wish to know more about boot camps you can visit The articles below might be helpful.

Top Weight Loss Tips from MyFoodDiary Success Stories

  1. boot camp group exerciseSurround yourself with cheerleaders who are supportive of your weight loss journey.

  2. There will be times when you want to throw in the towel and revert back to your old ways. But remember that you are worthy and deserving of being healthy and fit.

  3. Splurge on occasion. There are some folks that say you shouldn't reward yourself with food. I think the occasional reward is healthy.

  4. Learn to make your favorite recipes with healthier options, and use portion control when it comes to those foods that may not be the best choice.

  5. Remember, you are not DIETING. You are making a lifestyle change.

  6. It takes only 60 minutes a day to exercise. It is a perfect time to concentrate on yourself and express your love for life.

  7. Be open to giving different exercise options a try and join a fitness facility if you are able. I have found that connecting with individuals at the club keeps me accountable and engaged. Surround yourself with active people! original source

I totally agree with tip number one of this article. Have somebody cheering you on like what they do in Revival Boot Camp North Devon can surely do wonders to boost your morale.

Top 10 best diet tips

  1. good nutrition is essential for weight lossThink of what you can eat, and not what you can’t. When most people think of going on a diet, the thought of saying no to a lot of foods can really turn them off. A good way to stay positive and inspired is to think of all the food you can eat – plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, veggie bhels etc. The options are substantial, healthy and quite mouth-watering.

  2. Keep a food diary. Several studies have shown that those who keep a food diary see far better weight-loss results than those who don’t. By keeping a food diary, you’re ensuring that you’re eating healthy, nutritious food and avoiding foods that can derail your diet plans.

  3. Weigh yourself regularly. You could either weigh yourself daily, or once a week, depending on how you want to go about it. Regular weight checks help to ensure that your diet is in fact, working for you.

  4. Call it “eating healthy” and not “dieting”. The word “dieting” can get a variety of responses from your friends and family. Some friends may feel pity for you, while some older uncles and aunties might lecture you on how bad dieting is and how you’ll lose your glow etc. To avoid all these unnecessary discussions with well-wishers, just them you’re eating healthy while politely saying no to that samosa and grabbing a handful of nuts instead.

  5. Drink two glasses of water just before your meal. This neat little trick helps to give you a feeling of fullness, so you don’t end up overeating.

  6. Snack smart. The most important thing to remember about dieting is to never allow yourself to feel starved. Always carry healthy snacks like nuts, fruits or whole biscuits with you and just pop them in between meals, so you never feel deprived.

  7. Big breakfast, small dinner. This one’s an oldie, but a goodie! Eating a good breakfast not only keep you going through the day, but is also essential for your body after it’s been deprived of food all night. Dinner, on the other hand, should be light and preferably had at least a three of four hours before you sleep.

  8. Eat at the dining table. Avoid eating in front of the TV as that just leads to mindless overeating. Eat a nice family dinner at the dining table instead.

  9. Don’t forget to exercise. Someone once said, very rightly, that dieting and exercise are like the two wings on a plane. Without both, the plane can’t tale off. Just because you’re dieting, doesn’t mean you can skip the exercise. Do both to get maximum benefits and feel healthy.

  10. Sleep well. Sleeping a full 7 to 8 hours not only helps you stay fresh and healthy, but also aids your weight loss efforts. So don’t skimp on sleep, eat healthy, exercise and you’ll definitely achieve your weight-loss goals. click here for original article 

This article reiterates the importance of combining exercise and proper diet for weight loss (tip #9).

Did you notice that both articles keep on harping on the importance of both diet and exercise for weight loss? This is to underscore that healthy weight loss means not cutting corners. The best part of shedding pounds is not only looking good but keeping fit. Health is wealth and as the articles above are saying, calling it healthy eating instead of dieting is also better for your morale. Click here to learn more about healthy lifestyle.

Larry Guillory

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