Tuesday 4 December 2012

Why Fitness Boot Camps

Fitness boot camps are about getting you started on your fitness program. Going to a fitness boot camp gives you a head start you cannot find otherwise in the local gym. Being in a group with a common goal of losing weight and cultivating a healthy lifestyle, boot camps are perfect starters for those who are serious about it.

McMurry plans boot camp to promote exercise during holiday season

The "boot camp" idea — basically an early morning, intense workout — is a currently a big trend in the fitness industry, said Pug Parris, who heads McMurry's kinesiology program.
"The reason why it's a nice trend is because it does away with procrastination," she said. "There are so many people who say, 'I'm going to work out sometime today.' The idea on this is you do it early — and it wakes you up, you get it out of your system."
And one might imagine, the timing of this particular class is perfect for those who want to try to help win the war on holiday weight gain, she said.
Many people who procrastinate exercise-wise begin finding excuses to support that they're "too tired" to do so, Parris said.
"When you go ahead and schedule something for early in the morning like this, there are no excuses," she said. "... So this particular fitness trend that's going on right now is good because it does help people develop some good, life-long behaviors."

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Children run for fun at Boot Camp

Pia, a hockey player who attends Te Kura Kaupapa Maori Ki Huranga-Te-Rangi school, said the holiday programme was the best.
"It's so cool. You get to meet and play with new people ... I'm a bit of a computer nerd so if I wasn't here I'd be on the computer at home. You do lots of different things here."
Matauri, who also plays hockey at school, said he really enjoyed the sport's programme.
"We have done lots of cool fun things together."
Dean Foster, 8, who is a Lake City Athletics Club member, said it was the best place to be in the holidays. "I just love it. It makes you go faster if you train lots."
Lake City Athletics Club child convenor Kerris Browne said they were excited by the success of the first holiday programme boot camp, which ran over four days this week.
They were hoping 10 children would take part but 44 had been enrolled every day, Ms Browne said. "It's just blown us away."
The aim was to get children outdoors in preparation for the upcoming athletic season, she said.
"There are too many kids in the school holidays with nothing to do. Their parents want them to be active and it's the start of the athletic season. The kids want to be out doing things ... they have been going home at night absolutely exhausted, eaten their dinner and fallen into bed and gone straight to sleep. It's been great for their parents."

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Find Out How Exercise Strengthens Your Bones

REVIVAL knows that our bones are constantly changing and that exercise strengthens your bones.Since the bone is a living tissue, the old bones are replaced with new bone tissues. Young people, by the age of 20s, have already reached the peak of their bone mass. This is the point where bones are its strongest. By the age of 30s, a woman’s bone will start to lose its density and becomes weaker. Men catch up with women on bone loss at a later age. By age 65 to 70 years, both men and women would have lost bone mass at the same rate. This increases their risk of osteoporosis, a disease where the weak and less dense bones are prone to fracture easily.

Out of 10 million people suffering from osteoporosis, 8 million of them are women. This is generally associated with declining oestrogen levels due to menopause. On the other hand, men with osteoporosis have been associated with low levels of testosterone. Furthermore, as both men and women get older their body loses the ability to absorb calcium that is essential to bone health. Other factors that contribute to bone loss are alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, and some drug medication.

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There are so many reasons why people attend boot camps. The articles above show how boot camps benefit people from all walks of life. I particularly like the article about the children's boot camp. This goes to show that there is no such thing as too early for training bootcamp. And besides, it is even beneficial for kids to develop the habit of exercise early on in life. The article on how to strengthen bones through exercise is a new concept to me. I had this wrong notion that exercise might instead be bad for my bones. Now I know better.

Peter Brumbelow

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