Wednesday 12 December 2012

Top Holiday Diet Tips For A Healthy You

The holidays are more than food and drinks, they are fun family gatherings as well. We also struggle to stay in shape during this season however we reason out, making us think more  and more about going to a residential fitness boot camp after. Sometimes the result is not only obvious on the waistline but also of our skin as well. To to prevent dealing with this problems after the merry season, try to pick your personal top ten health tips from the list here.

10 Diet Tips For Healthy Skin!

  1. Power Up With Probiotics

  2. Explore Prebiotics

  3. Sprinkle On Super Seeds

  4. Pick Purple Produce

  5. Skip The Sugar

  6. Cook Some Curry

  7. Spice It Up

  8. Limit Dairy

  9. Go Green

  10. Sip Some Sun Protection

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Holiday Diet Tips

  1. Always bring a dish or two that is on the program in case there is nothing you can have at the event or party.

  2. Wear snug clothes to the party and keep busy. When you wear snug-fitting clothes, chances are you’ll be too busy holding in your stomach to overeat.

  3. Chew a piece of gum (sugar/carb free). This stops you from snacking while cooking and helps to avoid desserts.

  4. Do not skip meals. Always eat on plan the day of party or event. People who skip meals to save up calories and carbs tend to overdo it at the party.

  5. Add fun and games. Take the focus off the food and get family and friends more active during holiday parties.

  6. Don’t feel left out at a cocktail party; put your Ideal Protein Pina Colada or Mango drink in a cocktail glass!

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5 Holiday Diet Tips That Don't Suck

  1. Don't Eat Light at Night - Listen man, eating big at night doesn't make you fat. Eating too much/too many calories for the entire day makes you fat.

  2. Eat Light During the Day So You Can Eat Big At Night - Instead, eat a lighter, lower carb, protein-based lunch. This will lead to better cognitive function, energy, and body fat slashing for a good portion of the day.

  3. Unleash the Feasting Beast

  4. Eat a complete, satiating meal, with protein, veggies, and the majority of your starchy carbohydrates at night.

  5. Don't Fall Off The Infomercial Edge - I believe the over-consumption of modern, refined foods is one of the root causes of devastating diseases and poor health conditions.

  6. Implement Strategic Cheats - Getting results is about what you do with your diet the majority of the time, not all the time.

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I love food! But I hate the way I look. Diet tips?

Here's what I done:

  1. I gave up every drink except water obviously

  2. I completely gave up junk food and takeout

  3. I only ate red meat on days I worked out, chicken and turkey or fish any other day.

  4. For breakfast I would have 1 or 2 boiled eggs

  5. For lunch I would have a brown bread tuna sandwich(no butter)

  6. For dinner I always had stir fries with rice(look online for tasty but healthy stir fries).

  7. If I wanted anything after that I just ate fruit.

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Did you like the articles you just read? I hope you find them helpful. I personally like the 5 Holiday Tips That Don't Suck. The writer has definitely offered a different view to dieting that is way opposite that the what we normally read.  I think there is a science behind his opinion and I would love to learn more about this. Also, The article from Yahoo answers is straightforward and yes, doable. Honestly,  I have tried it myself and lost 10 kilos in 40 days. So I completely agree with the writer in the this. However if you are the kind who would want to take it slow and stay on the safe side, the other articles would be good for you, don't you think? The bottom line is, we look for something that suits our preference like walking weight loss... then start moving.


Jeremy Klinger


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