Saturday 29 December 2012

All Year Diet Tips (And Otherwise)

We are back to square one again. Year after year we hear these diet tips and year in and year out, we try and fail. They say, there should be different strokes for different folks - diet plan included because what works for me might not be good for you. For a lot of people weightloss bootcamp might be a good idea while others prefer simple exercises at home. I have some articles down here that say it just as it is.

New (And Not-So-New) Diet Tips for the New Year

  1. People who only get six hours of sleep a night are 27 percent more likely to become obese, and those sleeping less than five a jarring 73 percent more likely.

  2. Cut down on white foods.By white, we mean colorless food items, your sugar, whole milk, rice, potatoes, and pasta, bread, and another products made with bleached flour.

  3. The early bird loses the weight. The most efficient way to burn off existing body fat through aerobic exercise is to get the workout in before your first meal of the day, when there’s no new “fuel” in your system that the body can use for energy.

  4. Before beginning your weight loss program, weigh yourself, then go for two whole weeks without drinking anything alcoholic, carbonated or sweetened. Then weigh yourself again.

  5. Put not your faith in salads. Accompany that greenery with at least some carbs — whole grain bread, soup, pasta, beans or fruit — to slake those munchies.

  6. Don’t head for the gym right at the start. Start with long daily walks, then advance to jog-walk combinations, and finally to straight jogging, until you feel more comfortable with yourself and your ability to put in a respectable workout session.

  7. Be a cyclist. Fitness guru/author Brad Schoenfeld is an enthusiastic advocate of what he calls calorie cycling, which seems to be a way of faking out your body’s natural inclination to feel starved when you put it on a low-calorie regimen. original source

Diet Tips that Never Worked For Me

  1. "Just leave a bite on your plate at every meal." This makes me unhappy.

  2. "Close the kitchen after 6:00 pm (or 8:00 or other set time)." Also makes me unhappy.

  3. "It's best to exercise in the morning." I think that's been debunked and most people advise to exercise whenever you can, but I used to hear it a lot.

  4. "Reward yourself with your favorite food if you do well for several weeks/meet a goal, etc." I still eat all my favorite foods that aren't terrible, so I don't feel deprived or focus on FOOD as a reward.

  5. "Only eat when you're hungry." This one sounds very logical, but if I wait until I'm very hungry I don't make great choices. original source

 The 4 Best Diet Tips You’ll Hear All Year

    1. Food journaling. Writing down what I eat helps me be mindful of what I’m putting in my mouth.

    2. Carbs are not the devil! They are a necessary part of a well-balanced diet.

    3. Make small changes for overall health. Eat low-fat dairy instead of full-fat.

    4. Enjoy everything in moderation. That includes a glass of wine a day or an after-dinner dessert that is under 100 calories. original source

Did you find the articles helpful? The first says yes to some tips while the second states otherwise. However, note that people may differ in the specifics but the guiding principle remains the same, and that is diet plus exercise. Whether your way is boot camp training or bask in luxury at some special fitness haven, the goal of keeping fit remains unchanged.

Peter Brumbelow

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