Saturday 29 December 2012

All Year Diet Tips (And Otherwise)

We are back to square one again. Year after year we hear these diet tips and year in and year out, we try and fail. They say, there should be different strokes for different folks - diet plan included because what works for me might not be good for you. For a lot of people weightloss bootcamp might be a good idea while others prefer simple exercises at home. I have some articles down here that say it just as it is.

New (And Not-So-New) Diet Tips for the New Year

  1. People who only get six hours of sleep a night are 27 percent more likely to become obese, and those sleeping less than five a jarring 73 percent more likely.

  2. Cut down on white foods.By white, we mean colorless food items, your sugar, whole milk, rice, potatoes, and pasta, bread, and another products made with bleached flour.

  3. The early bird loses the weight. The most efficient way to burn off existing body fat through aerobic exercise is to get the workout in before your first meal of the day, when there’s no new “fuel” in your system that the body can use for energy.

  4. Before beginning your weight loss program, weigh yourself, then go for two whole weeks without drinking anything alcoholic, carbonated or sweetened. Then weigh yourself again.

  5. Put not your faith in salads. Accompany that greenery with at least some carbs — whole grain bread, soup, pasta, beans or fruit — to slake those munchies.

  6. Don’t head for the gym right at the start. Start with long daily walks, then advance to jog-walk combinations, and finally to straight jogging, until you feel more comfortable with yourself and your ability to put in a respectable workout session.

  7. Be a cyclist. Fitness guru/author Brad Schoenfeld is an enthusiastic advocate of what he calls calorie cycling, which seems to be a way of faking out your body’s natural inclination to feel starved when you put it on a low-calorie regimen. original source

Diet Tips that Never Worked For Me

  1. "Just leave a bite on your plate at every meal." This makes me unhappy.

  2. "Close the kitchen after 6:00 pm (or 8:00 or other set time)." Also makes me unhappy.

  3. "It's best to exercise in the morning." I think that's been debunked and most people advise to exercise whenever you can, but I used to hear it a lot.

  4. "Reward yourself with your favorite food if you do well for several weeks/meet a goal, etc." I still eat all my favorite foods that aren't terrible, so I don't feel deprived or focus on FOOD as a reward.

  5. "Only eat when you're hungry." This one sounds very logical, but if I wait until I'm very hungry I don't make great choices. original source

 The 4 Best Diet Tips You’ll Hear All Year

    1. Food journaling. Writing down what I eat helps me be mindful of what I’m putting in my mouth.

    2. Carbs are not the devil! They are a necessary part of a well-balanced diet.

    3. Make small changes for overall health. Eat low-fat dairy instead of full-fat.

    4. Enjoy everything in moderation. That includes a glass of wine a day or an after-dinner dessert that is under 100 calories. original source

Did you find the articles helpful? The first says yes to some tips while the second states otherwise. However, note that people may differ in the specifics but the guiding principle remains the same, and that is diet plus exercise. Whether your way is boot camp training or bask in luxury at some special fitness haven, the goal of keeping fit remains unchanged.

Peter Brumbelow

Monday 24 December 2012

Inspiring Celebrity Weight Loss Stories

Celebrity weight loss has always fascinated us all. Whether we admit it or not, we drew inspiration from their stories to help us reach our weight loss goals ourselves. Not every success story of these people can be attributed to pills. A lot of them have gone through the real sensible diets like that of nutrition boot camp and weight loss exercise plan at home.

Best Celebrity Weight Loss Success Stories of 2012

  1. Jessica Simpson's post-baby weight battle had to have culled the most headlines of all celebs by FAR this year, but she managed to show all the haters she had what it takes to drop 60 pounds! Whether she's pregnant again or not, that's a tremendous feat she's undoubtedly healthier as a result of.

  2. Jordin Sparks. Although the singer first showed off her weight loss in 2011, she got even more fit this year, bringing her total weight loss up to 50 pounds! Discussing how she did it, she told Us Weekly, "There is no secret. It's just better eating and working out! It's definitely a daily thing." Good for her!

  3. After giving birth, Snooki managed to whip her body into amazing shape by "breastfeeding ... eating healthy/walking," and then rightfully showed it off all over Instagram and Twitter!

  4. Amber Riley. Back in February, stomach pains drove the Glee star to her doctor's office. She said, "I decided I was going to make a change and eat healthier," because the fast food and burgers she preferred were "attacking" her stomach. As a result, she dropped two dress sizes and currently looks happier and healthier than ever!

  5. Jennie Garth. After a sad split from hubby Peter Facinelli, Kelly Taylor Jennie Garth went from beautiful mom to beautiful and incredibly fit mom said to enjoy morning runs! She definitely wins for Revenge Body of the Year

  6. Hilary Duff. After giving birth to her first baby, the former child star shed the baby weight by "doing everything from boxing to two-a-day workouts incorporating wind sprints and jump roping," leading her to steadily drop pounds each week. She recently tweeted that she's back in her skinny jeans, thanking her trainer Gabe Johns. Awesome! original source

Marissa Jaret Winokur Weight Loss

Actress Marissa Jaret Winokur boasts one of the most impressive celebrity weight loss stories of the year.
The 39-year-old Tony-winner has lost 60 pounds since March, and she recently told US Weekly, that she made the decision to shed the weight when her cholesterol levels became worrisome.
"I thought I'd try to lose 20 pounds and see what happened. It was the little steps. I think it worked because I was genuinely doing it for myself," she told the magazine.
Though she's already down seven dress sizes, she's looking to lose five more pounds "just for vanity." The former "Hairspray" star revealed she was ecstatic during a recent shopping trip when a salesman brought her out a size 2 dress.
"He eyeballed me and thought I'd fit in that!" she said. original source

Celebrity Weight Loss 2012: The Best Success Stories Of The Year

When actress Marisa Jaret Winokur's doctor told her she had high cholesterol and needed to take meds or lose weight, it functioned as a wake-up call, she told "I'm definitely not the person that's like, 'I'm going to lose weight to fit in a dress' or 'I need to lose weight for a boyfriend or a job.' I've never felt like my weight defines me," she said.

And when "Glee" star Amber Riley -- who has embraced her shape both on-screen and off -- dropped two dress sizes, it wasn't for looks. "I've always been comfortable with my size," she told People. "I just decided it was time to get healthy."

Winokur and Riley are just two examples from a year of inspiring, health-focused transformations. In the slideshow below, you'll find more celebrity weight loss success stories revealed in 2012. original source

We can glean from the articles above that not all celebrity weight loss efforts are for vanity's sake. Beyond wearing slim pants or dropping dress sizes, the more important consideration of health comes to the fore. That is why those who really want to shed pounds have to go  the extra mile such as joining organized exercises like those in  revival boot camp devon.

Aurora Veliz

Thursday 20 December 2012

Does Eating Less Fat Lead To Weight Loss?

For years I have been fascinated with this "loss weight through less fat diet" principle. There are those who believe that dieting alone can lead to weight loss, even without the benefit of exercise like what they do in an exercise boot camp. There are a lot of contradicting issues here and so I have gathered some articles that might help you weigh things for yourself. also I have thrown in an article dubbed as an expert's advice for good measure. So read on and enjoy the journey.

Low-Fat Eating: Is It A Weight Loss Miracle?

Cutting fat makes you slim! Low-fat foods are the key to a trimmer figure! Slash fats to watch your waistline shrink!

These breathless headlines were ubiquitous when news outlets across the country covered a recent review sponsored by the World Health Organization, which found an association between eating less fat and losing weight. When researchers looked at 33 randomized controlled trials, they concluded that reducing fat resulted in 3.5 pounds of weight loss after six months.

It might not seem like a large number, but researchers believe the link comes down to small, effortless changes. “We were looking at normal food patterns,” says study author Lee Hooper, PhD, a professor at England’s University of East Anglia. “We excluded any study that aimed to lose weight, which shows that gentle changes make a difference over a long period of time.”

But because the goal of the review wasn’t to compare low-fat diets to other diets (rather, the review analyzed studies comparing participants who followed a low-fat eating plan to participants who didn't follow any eating plan at all), we can’t conclude that low fat is optimal for weight loss. Think about it: By reducing fat, study participants also reduced their dining options—and probably paid more attention to their food choices.original source

No Shock Here: Lose Weight By Eating Less Fat

To lose weight without your stomach eating itself, here are a few easy ways to eat less fat:

  1. Switch to low-fat milk and yogurt, or try a soy or hemp version.

  2. Cut down on butter, cheese or eggs. You can also try alternatives like vegetable oil spreads, or use apple sauce or ground flax seed instead of eggs when baking.

  3. Cut the fat from your meat, or eat leaner cuts.

  4. Eat fruit instead of fatty baked goods, which often contain animal-based saturated fats.

  5. Snack on vegetables, which may fill you up before you zip off for some fast food.original source

 Weight Loss Diet Tips for Maintaining a healthy Weight (Expert Advice)

    1. Avoid the over-exaggerated weight loss diet plan - They are not realistic at all.

    2. Don't follow unqualified 'health experts' who claim to know what works for weight loss - Take some help from a good dietician to prepare a diet plan.

    3. No weight loss from fasting - If you stop eating or restrict your food intake, it is true that your metabolism will slow down, but this effect is temporary.

    4. Stop emotional eating - When we are depressed we tend to overeat, which drastically affects our weight.

    5. Pay attention while you eat - In this fast paced world, we know it is difficult to munch your food properly, but the point is to enjoy what you are eating.

    6. Binge on fruits and vegetables - Pick fruits and vegetables to maintain your weight as well as to keep your stomach full.

    7. Breakfast is very important - Start your day with a healthy breakfast. This will help you stay focused and also avoid eating later in the day.original source

So, what do you think? I am a stickler for science and appreciates ideas much when a good explanation comes with it. But some folks just find it comfortable to do any fast weight loss tips that they think has worked for others even if no plausible reason is offered. But if you look closely on the diet tips in the second article, they all point to sensible eating. I say, this method may produce some results but not as lasting than when you do it the proper way (I personally like the testimonies in weight loss uk).

Kenneth Luna

Sunday 16 December 2012

After The Holidays Diet Tips

When the holidays are over and everyone has left, it is time to take stock with what is at hand... mostly extra inches on the waistline. Reality sets in and calling for immediately action. If you and me have realized this, we probably by now have a short list of what our next steps would be like attending a boot camp training program. So read the articles below and start off.

15 Easy Weight Loss Tips to De-Bloat and De-Stuff Yourself After the Holidays

  1. Fuel Up on the Right Breakfast

  2. Eat Some Melon

  3. Reset Your Idea of Portions

  4. Make Simple Food Swaps

  5. Go Bananas for Potassium

  6. Restart Your Diet With Plant-Based Protein

  7. Chew on Fennel Seeds

  8. Know Which Carbs to Avoid

  9. Eat Your (Leafy) Greens

  10. Add Artichokes to Your Plate

  11. Be Extra Mindful of Alcohol Choices

  12. Stop Adding Sweeteners

  13. Avoid Carbonation

  14. Just Keep Drinking Water!

  15. Top Off Your Slim-Down Diet With Exercise

original source

Control Your Weight With These Weight Loss Tips

If you wish to lose weight, try getting enough sleep. It has been proven that those who don’t get enough sleep tend to be hungrier throughout the day. Therefore, lack of sleep can cause people to overeat. As a result, their weight will be negatively affected.

Eating up to 20 g of sugar following a workout can actually have positive effects. This small dose of sugar gives your body the means to provide energy to all the muscles you used.

If you are eating when you aren’t paying full attention, you will gain weight. If you ignore what you’re putting in your mouth, you won’t lose any weight. Be aware of how much food you consume with each meal and you can eat less every time.

Eat your largest meal earlier in the day. If you have a small meal at lunchtime, have a dinner-sized meal instead. More calories are burned during daylight hours, so it’s smarter to eat the bulk of your calories earlier in the day.

original source

Holiday diet tips that last all season

Davis' primary tools are diet fundamentals, such as not showing up hungry to a party, volunteering to bring something healthy and drinking at least one glass of water before she eats anything.

“When I join everyone else in the kitchen, I station myself near the food that won't hurt too much if I indulge, mostly veggies and protein,” says Davis, a former News-Sentinel editor who now works for the Indianapolis Business Journal in Indianapolis. “If I'm going to 'spend' the calories, I want to get some nutrients.”

We all know this stuff, and it really does work. But to actually use these strategies, you need a goal that transcends momentary temptations — and the long-term vision to view the holiday season as a whole.

“Probably one of the best tips I can offer is for people to really do some pre-planning,” says another 150-pound loser, a former Weight Watchers leader who's now quietly working to lose a few pounds that have since crept back on.

“Know that there will be special days, events, meals, parties, but there are lots of days in the holiday season where you can stick very well to your plan, and only reserve the special occasions to have a few of the 'extras.'”

original source

I love all three articles . The weight loss tips are down to earth and easy to follow. And who would have thought bananas can do wonders for us dieters! The video that followed reaffirmed the benefits of eating bananas. I love bananas... they taste great and they are plenty at the supermarket. And the bonus is you can eat bananas in so many ways, shakes and smoothies and what have you. and because exercise is always a part of weight loss, going to a weight loss camp would be a good idea.


Tiffany Crawley

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Top Holiday Diet Tips For A Healthy You

The holidays are more than food and drinks, they are fun family gatherings as well. We also struggle to stay in shape during this season however we reason out, making us think more  and more about going to a residential fitness boot camp after. Sometimes the result is not only obvious on the waistline but also of our skin as well. To to prevent dealing with this problems after the merry season, try to pick your personal top ten health tips from the list here.

10 Diet Tips For Healthy Skin!

  1. Power Up With Probiotics

  2. Explore Prebiotics

  3. Sprinkle On Super Seeds

  4. Pick Purple Produce

  5. Skip The Sugar

  6. Cook Some Curry

  7. Spice It Up

  8. Limit Dairy

  9. Go Green

  10. Sip Some Sun Protection

original source

Holiday Diet Tips

  1. Always bring a dish or two that is on the program in case there is nothing you can have at the event or party.

  2. Wear snug clothes to the party and keep busy. When you wear snug-fitting clothes, chances are you’ll be too busy holding in your stomach to overeat.

  3. Chew a piece of gum (sugar/carb free). This stops you from snacking while cooking and helps to avoid desserts.

  4. Do not skip meals. Always eat on plan the day of party or event. People who skip meals to save up calories and carbs tend to overdo it at the party.

  5. Add fun and games. Take the focus off the food and get family and friends more active during holiday parties.

  6. Don’t feel left out at a cocktail party; put your Ideal Protein Pina Colada or Mango drink in a cocktail glass!

original content

5 Holiday Diet Tips That Don't Suck

  1. Don't Eat Light at Night - Listen man, eating big at night doesn't make you fat. Eating too much/too many calories for the entire day makes you fat.

  2. Eat Light During the Day So You Can Eat Big At Night - Instead, eat a lighter, lower carb, protein-based lunch. This will lead to better cognitive function, energy, and body fat slashing for a good portion of the day.

  3. Unleash the Feasting Beast

  4. Eat a complete, satiating meal, with protein, veggies, and the majority of your starchy carbohydrates at night.

  5. Don't Fall Off The Infomercial Edge - I believe the over-consumption of modern, refined foods is one of the root causes of devastating diseases and poor health conditions.

  6. Implement Strategic Cheats - Getting results is about what you do with your diet the majority of the time, not all the time.

original source

I love food! But I hate the way I look. Diet tips?

Here's what I done:

  1. I gave up every drink except water obviously

  2. I completely gave up junk food and takeout

  3. I only ate red meat on days I worked out, chicken and turkey or fish any other day.

  4. For breakfast I would have 1 or 2 boiled eggs

  5. For lunch I would have a brown bread tuna sandwich(no butter)

  6. For dinner I always had stir fries with rice(look online for tasty but healthy stir fries).

  7. If I wanted anything after that I just ate fruit.

original source

Did you like the articles you just read? I hope you find them helpful. I personally like the 5 Holiday Tips That Don't Suck. The writer has definitely offered a different view to dieting that is way opposite that the what we normally read.  I think there is a science behind his opinion and I would love to learn more about this. Also, The article from Yahoo answers is straightforward and yes, doable. Honestly,  I have tried it myself and lost 10 kilos in 40 days. So I completely agree with the writer in the this. However if you are the kind who would want to take it slow and stay on the safe side, the other articles would be good for you, don't you think? The bottom line is, we look for something that suits our preference like walking weight loss... then start moving.


Jeremy Klinger

Saturday 8 December 2012

Holiday Weight Loss Tips

The holidays may bring a lot of good cheer, but they always come with a lot of food too not so much like boot camp diet. Getting into the holiday spirit doesn't mean getting all the fat as well. Of course this is all easily said than done. See if these tips will help you survive the sumptuous celebration.

5 Actions for a pre-holiday weight loss.

  1. Do not over exercise. If you haven’t been exercising, don’t start it now! If you have been exercising then drop your weights to half your normal amount and don’t exceed 20 minutes / day for the first 3 weeks. No huffing, puffing or sweating during this time period.

  2. Eat a healthy breakfast within the first hour of waking up. Be sure it includes nutrients such as foliate, iron, vitamins and fiber. Foods like low-fat yogurt, low-fat waffles or oatmeal like Medifast Apple Cinnamon, are your best bet.

  3. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. This will help the body to better detoxify, protect and moisturize joints, kick start metabolism and absorb nutrients among other benefits.

  4. Keep a food journal. This will help to create a conscious awareness of food intake and eating patterns.

  5. Find a weight loss buddy or a health coach. This support system will provide the right motivation to keep you on track and the encouragement needed to succeed.

11 Pre-Holiday Health Tips

  1. Think Outside The Box - Read up on how to make healthier ingredient substitutions.

  2. Eating Out Doesn’t Have To Mean Pigging Out - You see, a lot of people make the mistake of saving up their calories by not eating all day before a big night out.

  3. Stop Eating When You're Full - Practice mindful eating.

  4. Become A Skinny Sipper - In order to retain that girlish figure (while still indulging in holiday cheer!), reach for a bottle of Skinny Vine wines. The Slim Chardonnay (86 calories), Mini Moscato (95 calories), and Thin Zin (89 calories) taste delish and contain up to 35% fewer calories then most wines.

  5. The Many Joys Of Fruitful Giving - Show up with a healthy hostess gift, like Edible Arrangements.

  6. Cook Like A Skinny Chick - Use a ridiculously small tasting spoon while gauging your recipes as you cook. Keep it with you throughout the day and avoid using those extra large wooden spoons you see in every kitchen.

original source

How to Deal With Holiday Parties

  1. Eat your calories: Calorie counting is hard, if not impossible at parties. An easy way to cut them down without thinking is just to watch the liquid calories.

  2. Balance is key: Holiday parties can bring new dishes to the table, but it doesn't hurt to stick with traditional rules. Try to balance out your plate with enough vegetables, protein, and whole grains.

  3. Slow down: We know we're supposed to eat slow, but how many times are we conscious about this? Holiday parties can actually help slow the pace of your eating because of all the excitement going on.

  4. Stay true to yourself: Eating more than you planned on is not uncommon at holiday parties. Overindulging happens around others because you feel safety in matching their numbers.

  5. Don't save up: A lot of people out there will save their appetite before big nights so that they can enjoy more of the delicious food that's being offered. This isn't such a great method if you want to keep your metabolism steady and avoid crabbiness.

original source

Dieting on holidays is indeed difficult. But I like the practical tips on the article  11 Pre-Holiday Health Tips. The weight loss tips are easy to do. Reading them gave me an idea on how to celebrate the season and yet not lose track on healthy eating habits. The suggestion of giving the hostess a healthy edible centerpiece was fantastic! Also, getting a weight loss buddy is an excellent idea especially when to plan to go attend a workout boot camp . Exercise becomes more fun with somebody cheering you up to keep going.

Miles Reyes

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Why Fitness Boot Camps

Fitness boot camps are about getting you started on your fitness program. Going to a fitness boot camp gives you a head start you cannot find otherwise in the local gym. Being in a group with a common goal of losing weight and cultivating a healthy lifestyle, boot camps are perfect starters for those who are serious about it.

McMurry plans boot camp to promote exercise during holiday season

The "boot camp" idea — basically an early morning, intense workout — is a currently a big trend in the fitness industry, said Pug Parris, who heads McMurry's kinesiology program.
"The reason why it's a nice trend is because it does away with procrastination," she said. "There are so many people who say, 'I'm going to work out sometime today.' The idea on this is you do it early — and it wakes you up, you get it out of your system."
And one might imagine, the timing of this particular class is perfect for those who want to try to help win the war on holiday weight gain, she said.
Many people who procrastinate exercise-wise begin finding excuses to support that they're "too tired" to do so, Parris said.
"When you go ahead and schedule something for early in the morning like this, there are no excuses," she said. "... So this particular fitness trend that's going on right now is good because it does help people develop some good, life-long behaviors."

original source

Children run for fun at Boot Camp

Pia, a hockey player who attends Te Kura Kaupapa Maori Ki Huranga-Te-Rangi school, said the holiday programme was the best.
"It's so cool. You get to meet and play with new people ... I'm a bit of a computer nerd so if I wasn't here I'd be on the computer at home. You do lots of different things here."
Matauri, who also plays hockey at school, said he really enjoyed the sport's programme.
"We have done lots of cool fun things together."
Dean Foster, 8, who is a Lake City Athletics Club member, said it was the best place to be in the holidays. "I just love it. It makes you go faster if you train lots."
Lake City Athletics Club child convenor Kerris Browne said they were excited by the success of the first holiday programme boot camp, which ran over four days this week.
They were hoping 10 children would take part but 44 had been enrolled every day, Ms Browne said. "It's just blown us away."
The aim was to get children outdoors in preparation for the upcoming athletic season, she said.
"There are too many kids in the school holidays with nothing to do. Their parents want them to be active and it's the start of the athletic season. The kids want to be out doing things ... they have been going home at night absolutely exhausted, eaten their dinner and fallen into bed and gone straight to sleep. It's been great for their parents."

original source

Find Out How Exercise Strengthens Your Bones

REVIVAL knows that our bones are constantly changing and that exercise strengthens your bones.Since the bone is a living tissue, the old bones are replaced with new bone tissues. Young people, by the age of 20s, have already reached the peak of their bone mass. This is the point where bones are its strongest. By the age of 30s, a woman’s bone will start to lose its density and becomes weaker. Men catch up with women on bone loss at a later age. By age 65 to 70 years, both men and women would have lost bone mass at the same rate. This increases their risk of osteoporosis, a disease where the weak and less dense bones are prone to fracture easily.

Out of 10 million people suffering from osteoporosis, 8 million of them are women. This is generally associated with declining oestrogen levels due to menopause. On the other hand, men with osteoporosis have been associated with low levels of testosterone. Furthermore, as both men and women get older their body loses the ability to absorb calcium that is essential to bone health. Other factors that contribute to bone loss are alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, and some drug medication.

original source

There are so many reasons why people attend boot camps. The articles above show how boot camps benefit people from all walks of life. I particularly like the article about the children's boot camp. This goes to show that there is no such thing as too early for training bootcamp. And besides, it is even beneficial for kids to develop the habit of exercise early on in life. The article on how to strengthen bones through exercise is a new concept to me. I had this wrong notion that exercise might instead be bad for my bones. Now I know better.

Peter Brumbelow