Friday 1 February 2013

Getting The Most Out Of Boot Camps

Joining a fitness bootcamp has a lot of benefits. If you are serious about your health and want to have fast weight loss the safest way, this is the way to go. The  training not only improve your strength and endurance, it will also develop in you the discipline for healthy living. Although there are many misconceptions about boot camps in general, those who have gone through the training can attest of how their time spent at the camp was all worth it. Here are some articles that help you get a better perspective of what boot camps really are.

Advantages Of Weight Loss Boot Camp

  1. Developing bones that are strong and health.

  2. Losing excess weight and being in control of your body.

  3. Protecting your joints and muscles from injury.

  4. Improving your flexibility and stamina.

  5. Get rid of back problems and arthritis.

You have nothing to worry about if this is your first time or if you aren't strong enough because there are numerous exercises that can be done without the need to lift any equipment and weight. The main reason why these exercises are so effective is because it increases the amount of muscle mass and this will result in losing weight. All you have to do is take ten or twenty minutes every day to do some push-ups or squats. This is very beneficial for individuals who have a busy schedule. original source

bootcamp exercise routines

4 Tips For Choosing The Best Fitness Boot Camp For You

  1. Consider the Gender - Consider the gender of the boot camp caters too. A man have a different body needs and a woman as well. The work outs prepared for them are not the same. To enable to attain your fitness goal, if you are a woman opt for a boot camp that caters to women, in that way all the aspect of a woman’s well being is attended to. 

  2. Check out the level of experience the trainer has - Check For Qualified Fitness Professionals. Fitness boot camp is fun and yet can be risky. Sudden and continuous exercise can make you prone to physical injury, when the trainer is inexperienced. Make sure that the fitness boot camp trainer has received a certification from respected national certification committee, such as the PTI or some other fitness body.

  3. Check out the boot camp’s website for testimonials - If a weight-loss boot camp claims to be a solid and well renowned establishment it must have credible proof, through the testimonials of past satisfied clients. This includes authentic before and after photos of their former clients.

  4. Does the fitness boot camp incorporate a healthy diet program in their training? - Check to see if they have a healthy diet program. Eating the best food coupled with a tailored workout is a recipe for success. Proper diet and workout always go hand in hand; it’s like a married couple. original source

Boot camp can jump-start exercise plan

good nutrition is necessaryUntil a few years ago, I was thin but unfit. Literally clueless about what to do in a gym. Then metabolism hit me in the face (actually, my waistline), and I had to learn the ins and outs of fitness as a beginner. I'm now in a group that conducts our own fitness boot camp - a far cry from when I couldn't do a single push-up. Along the way, I've learned that fancy equipment and long hours at the gym don't work for a lot of people, myself included.

In fact, anyone can create their own group fitness effort as my friends and I have. Here's how to build your own boot camp outdoors, with practically no equipment.

The workouts are short and sweet, and can burn 500 to 800 calories. Exercises and reps are included for those at a moderate - or more advanced - fitness level, with options for a beginner listed too. (And watch this space in the future; I'll give you boot camp updates with new exercise ideas.)

First, find a park with a long set of stairs and hills to alternate cardiovascular and strength-training drills. Repeat this workout two to three times a week for best results. The entire workout takes 45 minutes to an hour. Beginners may take a one-minute break in between each set. If you exercise regularly, do not take breaks between sets.

Be sure to have a yoga mat (for planks and push-ups), towel, bottle of water and protective gloves. original source

I hope you found the articles enlightening as I did. They gave valuable information that makes us see how we can maximize the benefits of attending one, like boot camp holidays uk.  I would understand if you are a little bit reluctant because that was how I felt before - a result of listening to the wrong people. That is why I say the articles are very informative. I like the idea of making sure that a qualified trainer handles the routines are  article about tips on choosing a boot camp. I feel that it is vital to ensure the safety of the exercise routines.


Daniel Dougherty

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