Saturday 9 February 2013

Aiming To Be The Biggest Loser?

Who among us have not heard about the US reality TV show, “The Biggest Loser” ? For health buffs and for us who have dreamed of losing weight, the reality show was an eye opener. We have seen how the activities and exercise routines were done in the most fun way and we have seen how excessively overweight individuals change into healthy persons after a couple of weeks. The same activities are what fitness boot camps like boot camp uk employ. Now, you do not have to join a reality show to experience the same fun activities, spending a weekend at revival boot camp might just be your passport to a new you.

Revival Fitness and Boot Camp Announces the Opening of a New Boot Camp in Spain to Cater to the Growing Needs of Their Clients

Revival Boot Camp SpainPeople join a boot camp holiday for many reasons. Whether it is for a chance of dropping one dress size in a week’s time or shaping up for health reasons, boot camps offer an excellent way to jump start your fitness goals and get you moving towards achieving it. Teri S., a successful graphic designer from Pembroke Pines, Fla. says, “"No other workout makes me feel so good. It makes me feel like I really kicked my butt." She further says "It took 12 weeks, but I lost 25 pounds."

The team environment in a fitness boot camp is what draws a lot of people to it. Doing hard core training while being cheered on by teammates can do wonders to a sagging spirit. Those who have tried the weight loss boot camp discipline can truly say that what they have learned from these camps have encouraged them to practice healthy living even when they are no longer on training.

The concept of boot camp workout is very engaging. The activities are fun and lend a different flavor compared to boring fitness gym routines. According to Christopher Mohr, Ph.D., R.D., of Mohr Results Adventure Boot Camp, "Built on three fundamentals of training—cardio, strength, and agility—boot-camp workouts require little more than your body weight to get results. They're more intense than any fitness class and more fun than traditional gym workouts.” original source

Your Plan for a Flat Stomach 

  1. revival bootcamp routinesThe Bicycle: One of the best ab workouts that also works your obliques (side muscles) and back is the bicycle. Lying on a mat, put your hands behind your head and gently support your head with your fingers. Lift your knees toward your chest and lift your shoulder blades up off the floor. Twist your body toward the right, bringing your right elbow toward your left knee as you extend your right leg out straight. Switch sides by bringing your left elbow toward your right knee and extending your left leg. Continue in this pedaling motion.

  2. Reverse Crunch: Targeting a tough area to tone—your lower abs—the reverse crunch is another great abdominal muscle workout. Lying on a mat, keep your arms at your sides with your palms facing down. Lift your knees up toward your chest until your knees are bent 90 degrees. Using your abs and avoiding a rocking motion, curl your hips and lower back up off the floor, lifting your legs toward the ceiling. Hold for several seconds and then lower your hips down. Repeat.

  3. Trunk Rotation: To do a trunk rotation, you’ll need a dumbbell or medicine ball. While sitting on the floor, hold the weight near your body, lean back slightly, and bend your knees so your heels touch the floor. Twist your body to the right, hold for a second, twist to the left, and then repeat, twisting to the right next. 

  4. Plank: Planks work your abs as well as your back. Lying face down on the floor, place your forearms on the floor. Lift your body up on your forearms and toes, keeping your elbows under your shoulders. Using your core muscles, hold yourself up for as long as you can until lowering to the floor. Practice your planks until you can hold yourself up for 60 seconds or longer.

  5. Bird Dog: Another exercise that works both your abs and back is the bird dog. In a kneeling position with your hands and knees on the floor, raise your left leg up behind you until it’s parallel to the floor. At the same time, lift your right arm up in front of your until it’s parallel to the floor as well. Hold for a second, lower your leg and arm back to starting position, lift your right leg and left arm, and repeat. original source

Boot camp can jump-start exercise plan

  1. Suicide runs: Find a long set of stairs and run one-fourth of the flight of stairs then stop and return to your starting point. Immediately turn around and run half way up the stairs and return to the start. Turn around again and run three-fourths of the way, then return. Finally, run the full flight of stairs and return to your starting point. That's one set.

  2. Power squats and push-ups: Squat down, then jump up quickly pulling both feet off of the ground, moving up as many steps as you can with each power squat. Sprint down to the base of the stairs and do 30 weight loss activities

  3. Bear crawls and planks: Get on all fours - your hands and feet, not your knees - and crawl as fast as you can up a hill. Walk backward down to the base of the hill and do 20 up-down planks. These are a cardio-enhanced version of a regular plank: lie flat on your stomach and hold yourself up on your elbows and toes. Remaining on your toes the entire time, straighten your right arm, then straighten your left arm. Then pull your right arm back in to return to the elbow position; repeat with your left arm. 

  4. Uphill lunges and bicycle sit-ups/crunches: Lunge up a hill and then walk backward down the hill. At the base of the hill, perform your bicycle sit-ups or crunches. Lay on a mat face up with your legs extended. Sit up all the way while by bringing your left elbow up to meet your right knee (keeping your left leg straight and flat to the ground). Alternate with your right elbow and left knee. 

  5. Jumping jack/frog leaps, Mayweather sit-up/stand-ups: Do a regular jumping jack followed immediately by a frog leap (jump as high as you can in the air and bring your knees to your chest as you jump). To do the sit-up/stand-ups (named after boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr.), lay on your back with your hands at your sides, knees bent and feet on the mat. Sit up and then stand all the way up; then sit and lay back down in the original position. original source

I love all the articles  above - they are well written and informative. And I am very excited to join a weight loss boot camp because now I realized that losing weight do not have to be boring and monotonous. Do you know that they also give foods to avoid for weight loss list at boot camps?  And the bonus is... getting the best guidance from highly qualified trainers that ensures I will do the routines perfectly and safely.

Larry Guillory

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