Tuesday 22 January 2013

Getting Fit And Staying Fit

Is getting fit and staying fit a perennial problem? Have you ever gone through weight loss and back? Losing weight is easy, sometimes it only needs a little help from modern science - and I mean diet pill and meal replacement drinks. I have also done that. But the problem was I was never able to build a lifestyle in order to sustain the discipline after I was done with the pills and the drinks.  But I am not giving up so here I am again searching for the best tips to loss weight... and this time to keep it off as well. (Maybe learning about what is fitness boot camp should be worth my while). I am sharing here with you the articles that I have gathered in the hope that this might help you as well.

Discover Our Top Weight Loss Boot Camp Tips

  1. Lose weight fast with low-calorie drinks / powders - You have to make sure that you can survive a day without eating and only drinking these. One may feel hunger and feel weak with these drinks. Low-calorie and meal-replacement drinks may let you lose weight fast, but this is only temporary. You need to be disciplined to survive a day without eating foods.This kind of diet is not advisable at all; losing weight naturally through lifestyle change is still the best way to lose weight.

  2. Lose weight quickly with diet pills - In addition to diet drinks, there are a lot of diet pills in the market today. These pills can also give you quick results; you can see the results in just a matter of days. You can lose a pound per day with these diet pills. However, just like the meal-replacement drinks, these pills may have long term side effects. Watch out for those pills that are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, these pills can do great damage to your livers, kidneys and nervous system.

  3. Trick yourself to eat less - There are different tricks that you can do to eat less and lose weight. You can use smaller plates instead of those big dinner plates. Studies show that if you eat on a smaller plate, you only get smaller servings of food.You can also drink water before your meals; drinking water can make you feel full faster and this makes you eat less. original sourceexercise buddies

7 tips for successful weight loss

  1. The desire to lose weight must come from the individual. If you're truly ambivalent about making changes in your lifestyle or are doing this to please someone else, you're likely to fail.

  2. Don't blame yourself if you aren't perfect. Weight control does not involve making perfect choices all the time, rather it's about attempting to make good choices more often than poor ones.

  3. Avoid surroundings where you know you're tempted to make poor food choices

  4. Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. 

  5. Decide on some nonfood rewards for yourself when you reach interim goals.

  6. Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. 

  7. Set small goals and focus on these rather than the "big picture."original source

Weight-loss tips: 25 ways to lose weight, keep it off

    1. Set a realistic weight-loss goals.

    2. Keep track of what you consume.

    3. Motivate yourself.

    4. Enlist the help of family and friends.

    5. Move it to lose it.

    6. Pay attention to portions.

    7. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator.chick peas for protein

    8. Create "a dinner deck."

    9. Avoid hunger.

    10. Keep produce on hand.

    11. Stock up on "impulse fruits."

    12. Make some stealth changes.

    13. Cut out liquid calories.

    14. Practice the "Rule of One."boot camp exercises

    15. Pace, don't race.

    16. Hydrate before meals.

    17. Downsize plates, bowls, glasses, silverware.

    18. "After 8 is too late."

    19. Buy a pedometer and get moving.

    20. Treat yourself occasionally.

    21. Dine at a table.

    22. Eat out without pigging out.

    23. Get plenty of sleep.

    24. Weigh yourself regularly.

    25. Reward yourself. original source

The articles above are very informative. Now I know why I keep gaining back what I have shed and more! The discipline that comes with lifestyle change is what it takes to stay healthy. The tips are practical and seemingly easy to follow but without support from people who matter, the task can be daunting. I would like to know more about how a weight loss camp can help me. If you are on the same boat with me, check out www.revival.com.

Theodore Miller

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