Friday 25 January 2013

Inspiring Celebrity Weight Loss

Need an example to emulate? Oftentimes, the thing that triggers us to aim for weight loss is seeing somebody heavier than us making it successfully. We draw inspiration from them, especially if they are someone we admire - like actors and actresses or political and sports figures. Although some of them spouse unconventional ideas about how to lose weight, a lot of them still believe in honest to goodness workout and healthy diet much like what they do in boot camp uk. Here are some articles with weight loss tips that you may find interesting.

Anne Hathaway’s radish diet and other celebrity weight loss tips

Other celebrities stick to certain foods to speed up weight loss. Anne Hathaway lost weight on a diet of hummus and radishes for her role in “Les Miserables.” Mariah Carey is reported to be on a diet in which she only eats foods that are purple.

However, some celebrities simply embrace healthy lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss. Adele took up running. Reese Witherspoon and Heidi Klum also hit the pavement to keep weight in check. Kelly Osbourne is so proud of the weight she lost through healthy eating and exercise that she now shares advice with her fans. original sourcewater exercises

French Dawn’s Astonishing Weight Loss

In recent TV appearances and photographs French looks noticeably trimmed, to which she proudly remarked that she achieved the healthy way. She admittedly cut back on heavy carbs such as bread and pasta, and sweets, too. The former Comic Strip star regularly exercises and now greatly benefits from living a healthier lifestyle. In an interview, Dawn French thoughtfully shared that she can now manage to take her dog for a walk up the hill without losing her breath. original source

 23 Stars Who've Lost Weight and Kept it Off

    1. nutritious foodJennifer Hudson - Hudson, 31, has said learning to eat “real food” in moderation was the trick to getting slim.

    2. Charles Barkley - To date, Barkley has dropped over 60 pounds and says he’s feeling (and looking) the best he has in years. 

    3. Seth Rogen - Unlike other guys who have gone to extremes to lose weight only to gain it back later, the 30-year-old has kept the weight off with old-fashioned diet and exercise.

    4. Bill Clinton - Transitioning to a vegan diet helped him lose weight (how much?) and strengthen his heart.

    5. Kelly Osbourne - The 28-year-old says finding happiness with her vegan chef boyfriend, Matthew Mosshart, is ultimately what gave her the motivation

    6. Raven Symone - She revealed to Wendy Williams that learning to keep calm and reducing her portion sizes helped her lose 35 get healthy.

    7. Alec Baldwin - On the red carpet at the 2012 Emmys, he told "Access Hollywood" that he achieved his 35-pound weight loss by cutting sugar from his diet.

    8. Drew Carey - Today, the 54-year-old host of "The Price is Right" is still slim thanks to a running routine and a high-protein, low-carb diet. Losing the weight also meant the host could stop taking medication for Type 2 diabetes.

    9. John Goodman - At one time, this funnyman weighed close to 400 pounds. No more — 60-year-old Goodman told Men’s Health magazine that quitting drinking and following an exercise program designed by famed fitness guru Mackie Shilstone helped him slim down.

    10. Michael Moore - Moore told that he didn’t follow a specific exercise plan — his main focus was to “eat less and exercise more.” 

    11. Rex Ryan - Ryan made headlines in 2012 when he revealed his new, slimmer self. After topping out at 348 pounds, the outspoken New York Jets coach underwent lap band surgery in March 2010.

    12. Perez Hilton - Over the next four years, Hilton melted away over 70 pounds — today, he has a six-pack!

    13. Hilary Duff - On Twitter, she revealed the secret to her slimdown: working out with LA-based personal trainer and boxing instructor Gabe Johns.

    14. Valerie Bertinelli - The 52-year-old has kept the weight off by learning to control her emotional-eating habit and exercising regularly — she even ran the Boston Marathon in 2010.

    15. Al Roker - Consulting with a nutritionist and picking up running helped him shed the weight for good.

    16. Ricki Lake - Today, she says she feels better than ever, maintaining her slim figure with a meal delivery program.

    17. Randy Jackson - He also learned to control his portions, and began walking for 35 to 45 minutes a day.

    18. Jenna Fischer - Fischer told People magazine that she does it all on her own.

    19. Sara Rue - She also discovered a love for running. “When I started running, I would run for one minute and walk for 10,” she told People Style Watch.

    20. Jordin Sparks - "It's just better eating and working out! It's definitely a daily thing."

    21. Jason Alexander - Today, 53-year-old Alexander is 30 pounds lighter thanks to Jenny Craig and regular workouts.

    22. Ricky Gervais - Since that sausage-induced meltdown, running and a healthier diet have helped the 51-year-old comedian lose the pounds.

    23. Nicole Sullivan - Joining Jenny Craig helped the 42-year-old mom of two lose 38 pounds and get her pre-baby body back. She also learned to love running and finished the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in Las Vegas in 2011. original source

Did you find your weight loss icon from the names above? All of them have different ways of doing it, from invasive surgery to the good old exercise and diet route. Oftentimes the reason stated is due to health concerns as obesity is always link to a host of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. It is good to know that a lot of our celebrities have managed to stay slim after losing the excess weight. Which also means that it is possible for us. So lets get into the running habit or enroll in a fitness boot camp. Who knows you might be running next to Adele on your next early morning training.

Herbert Williams

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Getting Fit And Staying Fit

Is getting fit and staying fit a perennial problem? Have you ever gone through weight loss and back? Losing weight is easy, sometimes it only needs a little help from modern science - and I mean diet pill and meal replacement drinks. I have also done that. But the problem was I was never able to build a lifestyle in order to sustain the discipline after I was done with the pills and the drinks.  But I am not giving up so here I am again searching for the best tips to loss weight... and this time to keep it off as well. (Maybe learning about what is fitness boot camp should be worth my while). I am sharing here with you the articles that I have gathered in the hope that this might help you as well.

Discover Our Top Weight Loss Boot Camp Tips

  1. Lose weight fast with low-calorie drinks / powders - You have to make sure that you can survive a day without eating and only drinking these. One may feel hunger and feel weak with these drinks. Low-calorie and meal-replacement drinks may let you lose weight fast, but this is only temporary. You need to be disciplined to survive a day without eating foods.This kind of diet is not advisable at all; losing weight naturally through lifestyle change is still the best way to lose weight.

  2. Lose weight quickly with diet pills - In addition to diet drinks, there are a lot of diet pills in the market today. These pills can also give you quick results; you can see the results in just a matter of days. You can lose a pound per day with these diet pills. However, just like the meal-replacement drinks, these pills may have long term side effects. Watch out for those pills that are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, these pills can do great damage to your livers, kidneys and nervous system.

  3. Trick yourself to eat less - There are different tricks that you can do to eat less and lose weight. You can use smaller plates instead of those big dinner plates. Studies show that if you eat on a smaller plate, you only get smaller servings of food.You can also drink water before your meals; drinking water can make you feel full faster and this makes you eat less. original sourceexercise buddies

7 tips for successful weight loss

  1. The desire to lose weight must come from the individual. If you're truly ambivalent about making changes in your lifestyle or are doing this to please someone else, you're likely to fail.

  2. Don't blame yourself if you aren't perfect. Weight control does not involve making perfect choices all the time, rather it's about attempting to make good choices more often than poor ones.

  3. Avoid surroundings where you know you're tempted to make poor food choices

  4. Surround yourself with people who support your efforts. 

  5. Decide on some nonfood rewards for yourself when you reach interim goals.

  6. Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy foods. 

  7. Set small goals and focus on these rather than the "big picture."original source

Weight-loss tips: 25 ways to lose weight, keep it off

    1. Set a realistic weight-loss goals.

    2. Keep track of what you consume.

    3. Motivate yourself.

    4. Enlist the help of family and friends.

    5. Move it to lose it.

    6. Pay attention to portions.

    7. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator.chick peas for protein

    8. Create "a dinner deck."

    9. Avoid hunger.

    10. Keep produce on hand.

    11. Stock up on "impulse fruits."

    12. Make some stealth changes.

    13. Cut out liquid calories.

    14. Practice the "Rule of One."boot camp exercises

    15. Pace, don't race.

    16. Hydrate before meals.

    17. Downsize plates, bowls, glasses, silverware.

    18. "After 8 is too late."

    19. Buy a pedometer and get moving.

    20. Treat yourself occasionally.

    21. Dine at a table.

    22. Eat out without pigging out.

    23. Get plenty of sleep.

    24. Weigh yourself regularly.

    25. Reward yourself. original source

The articles above are very informative. Now I know why I keep gaining back what I have shed and more! The discipline that comes with lifestyle change is what it takes to stay healthy. The tips are practical and seemingly easy to follow but without support from people who matter, the task can be daunting. I would like to know more about how a weight loss camp can help me. If you are on the same boat with me, check out

Theodore Miller

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Top Nutrition Trends For 2013

Trends come and go and especially for diets, they are a plenty. The key is to know which one is sensible and which one is too good to be true. Generally, the basics are still the same and that means burning more than what you take. However, the dynamics of science gives us new discoveries and innovations purporting more effectiveness and what have yous. The market is flooded with all these concepts and I have gathered some articles for you to glean on and assess. Whether these boot tips will work for you or not is your call. So read on.

Trick or tip: The top nutrition trends of 2013

  1. TREND WATCH: Fasting - The trend that saw the “looking good naked” crowd shift from three squares per day to five or six smaller meals a decade or so ago is once again moving in a new direction, but this time, the hard- core are going hungry, experimenting with eating just once or twice per day, or fasting completely a few times per week.VERDICT: Intriguing, but proceed with caution.

  2. TREND WATCH: Seeds - But now, with all things old and whole in nutrition becoming new again, seeds are picking up steam, and for good reason: as sources of protein and healthy fats, seeds make an easy snack option in a world where nuts are often persona non grata. Moreover, many seeds are rich in hard-to-find nutrients, especially magnesium, which is associated with blood pressure control, bone and bowel health, and possibly stroke and colon cancer prevention. VERDICT: Nutritionally fabulous, but not cheap, and can be high in calories. Enjoy sensibly.

  3. TREND WATCH: Protein Timing - While the optimal frequency and dose of protein is still under debate (early studies suggest that 30 grams of protein, taken three times per day, is optimal for building and maintaining muscle tissue for both younger and older adults), the bottom line is that spreading our protein intake throughout the day, rather than saving it up for a 16-ounce Porterhouse at dinner, can help us feel strong and satiated.VERDICT: Plenty of potential, but tricky in a world that needs to rely less on animal protein.

  4. TREND WATCH: Super-snacks - While many of these snacks may provide tasty ways to get your kids, dad, or co-workers to eat stuff they would otherwise sneer at, some are just vehicles for added sugar (organic, natch) wrapped around modest amounts of the super-stuff, along with extra packaging and higher costs. VERDICT: Read your labels, and remember that whole foods are still usually best.

  5. TREND WATCH: Super-apps - With new research suggesting that using technology and social media may make people more likely to meet their nutrition and weight-related goals, look for ever- apps to help you to do everything from count calories, set goals, search recipe databases, build meal plans, and even learn how to cook.VERDICT: oodles of benefits, but remember that old fashioned pen and paper and in-person support with a Registered Dietitian still works wonders for weight control. original source

Top MMA Diet Tips

  1. EAT LESS/MORE OFTEN -This is because the more frequent intake of healthy foods facilitates digestion and absorption, which results in burning more calories and a boost in energy. 

  2. MAINTAIN HEALTHY BONES - That means high calcium intake. So while the lean proteins and complex carbs mentioned above are important to a proper MMA diet regimen, so is eating as many fresh vegetables as possible, as they are high in bone-strengthening calcium.

  3. HYDRATE CONSTANTLY - Health experts recommend a person drink half their body weight in ounces of water per day. That means a 180-pound person should shoot for 90 ounces of water intake every day.

  4. FATTY ACID INTAKE - It’s important to forgo saturated fats in favor of certain vital fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. original source

Healthy food alternatives 

  1. Chestnuts – They are rich in vitamin C, which can help boost the body’s immune system and help fight off cough and colds.

  2. Whole wheat bread – When buying bread, choose one that is labeled “whole grain” or “whole wheat.” Whole grain bread contains energy giving fiber and protein. It is also is a good snack choice for people who want to avoid overeating. 

  3. Ube yams –They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Its natural sweetness makes it an ideal ingredient for desserts. For people with diabetes, it’s best to cook sweet potatoes without adding sugar and oil.

  4. Green salad – Combine your favorite greens with a healthy dressing such as balsamic vinaigrette, herb and horseradish dressing, soy and roasted garlic dressing, or raspberry vinaigrette to make a yummy salad.

  5. Low calorie desserts – It’s alright to have small portions of healthy dessert alternatives such as fresh fruits, low-calorie cookies, low-calorie muffins, low-fat puddings, low-calorie fruit cobblers, sugar-free ice-cream, and others.

  6. Fruit juices and shakes - Fruits are naturally sweet so you can opt to skip the sugar or use honey as an alternative. If you want to avoid calories, you can never go wrong with a tall glass of water. original source

If you are following trends, these articles might interests you. for me, I would like to investigate more about trends 1-3. I am the kind who follows something without me delving deeper into what is being presented at hand. It is because I believe in "better careful than sorry" attitude - probably the reason why prefer enrolling in a legitimate fitness boot camp rather than doing the routines unsupervised. I also find the video's raw diet concept interesting but honestly right now but , I am not very sure I would last very long. Maybe I will just try what a diet boot camp can offer.

Nicholas Brown

Thursday 10 January 2013

Choosing Your Boot Camp

The increasing awareness of healthy living has caused the surge in popularity of of a lot of weight loss methods, one of which is fitness camps uk. The emergence of these weight boot camps has allowed a lot of people really interested in losing weight to experience doing exercise routines outside the confines of a monotonous gym. The workouts are tough and works well for people who needs to to jump start their journey towards fitness.  Different boot camps offer different programs and it is important to know what your preferences are.

The 10 Best fitness boot camps

  1. Reboot Five days from £495, This boot camp serves nutritious food as a core part of the fitness plan. A week's stay includes plenty of exercise and healthy living workshops.

  2. Champneys Seven nights from £1,195, Get in shape surrounded by the utmost luxury. Hike, tone up and play team games, then relax in the spa and enjoy meals by world-class chefs.

  3. Trimmer You Five days from £545, The idea is to help you shed nine-12ins (girth, not height), this combines luxury with sergeant-major-type instructors.

  4. Prestige Seven nights from £995, Enjoy five-star accommodation as you take on mountain-biking, boxing, hiking and zip wires, with encouragement from expert instructors.

  5. Fitfarms Seven nights from £1099, Expect a "non-boot-camp, holistic approach", which aims to build a healthy relationship with food and exercise that will last long after you leave.

  6. New You Seven nights from £833, This Somerset camp is set in a country house with 23 acres of grounds. New You involves 12 hours of training each day, but also yoga and massage.

  7. Revival Seven nights from £699, People of all fitness levels go to this Devonshire camp, training under the watchful eye of a team of Royal Marine physical trainers.

  8. GI Jane Seven nights from £995, A women-only boot camp that enrols a small group of 18 for each course, meaning you get a lot of individual attention during the week.

  9. The Camp Seven nights from £500, This boot camp will have you doing everything from abseiling to orienteering. Set in beautiful Galloway, it feels like a breath of fresh air.

  10. Northern Seven days from £645, One of the leading residential fitness camps in the North, its "non-military"-style gets you moving at your own pace. Lots of adventure activities. original source

Revival Boot Camp Holidays UK Takes Weight Loss Program Standards to Greater Heights

Aiming to attain the best training program for every participant by using the best gadgets that modern can offer, Revival boot camp has employed the use of Fitbit technology for all its campers. This electronic device is designed to monitor your steps, distance, and calories. Some models measure stairs and even your sleep cycle too. All these factors are important data to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals.

Brian Bennett, a senior editor for mobile phones at CNET and reviews a wide range of mobile communication products has this to say about Fitbit, “One of the most useful new features included on the Fitbit Zip is its ability to sync wirelessly via Bluetooth connection. This means you will be able to have your stats updated in real time as long as your handset has a network connection.”

The convenience of using Fitbit makes it an ideal tracking device that is not cumbersome to the user. Fitbit has a built in accelerometer and comes with a bracelet that you can wear around the clock. During the day, you get a value of how many calories you burn and at night measured sleep quality. With the right accessories for your mobile, you can also perform simple health tests. Paula S. of GA and Fitbit user attests, “Fitbit is the best fitness tool ever ... my personal workout assistant”. original source

Although people going to a boot camp have a shared goal of losing weight, not all  boot camps are made equal. Each has its own expertise and strength to suit different preferences of clients. There are camps that are exclusively for women, or for children, or for the elderly. There are also those that cater to different fitness level, like boot camp devon. From the list above, I prefer a boot camp that has qualified trainers like revival boot camp. Safety is important to me and I feel more confident doing things when I know I am supervised by an expert.

Jeremy Klinger

Sunday 6 January 2013

Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

A lot of us can easily shed off unwanted pounds when we want to. However, keeping them off is another story.  Personally, I find maintaining fitness more challenging than losing weight so I gathered some articles that might help me and those of you who has the same problem as I do. When we loss weight and yet gain them back,  we expose our health to more harm than good. The idea of "weight loss fast and easy" is best achieve when there is synergy  between sensible eating like that in a nutrition boot camp and exercise.

5 easy-ish weight-loss tips for 2013

  1. Cut the calories you drink. Yes, Drink.

  2. Get more sleep.

  3. Assess the liveability of your approach.

  4. Set realistic goals.

  5. Focus on behaviours, not pounds. original source

Tips to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

  1. Avoidance of entire food groups or excessive consumption of others isn’t healthy, realistic or sustainable.

  2. Ditch wasteful calories that come from foods that are nutritionally void -- think processed and overly packaged foods, refined, flour products, all things fried or covered in creamy goop, sports drinks and other beverages with added sugar. Bottom line: eat real food.

  3. About half of your diet should be fruits and vegetables. Enjoy healthy fats in moderation and avoid saturated and trans fat.

  4. Don’t starve! You need energy to go about your day, especially if you’re physically active.

  5. Be prepared to commit to regular aerobic exercise and resistance training. There are no shortcuts.

  6. Stay connected with friends and family. Friends can also offer the best support when it comes to achieving your goals. original source

Weight-loss tips: 25 ways to lose weight, keep it off

    1. Set a realistic weight-loss goals.

    2. Keep track of what you consume.

    3. Motivate yourself.

    4. Enlist the help of family and friends.

    5. Move it to lose it.

    6. Pay attention to portions.

    7. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Get rid of the foods that sabotage your weight loss.

    8. Create “a dinner deck.” This would include 10 favorite quick and healthful dinners written on index cards.

    9. Avoid hunger. Eat regular meals and snacks.

    10. Keep produce on hand. Place a bowl of vegetables such as broccoli, snap peas, cucumbers or carrot sticks in the refrigerator.

    11. Stock up on “impulse fruits.” Keep things like grapes, clementines, small apples, small bananas and pears around the house.

    12. Make some stealth changes. This will get everyone in the family eating healthier.

    13. Cut out liquid calories. Eliminate soda and sugary drinks such as sweetened iced tea, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages.

    14. Practice the “Rule of One.” When it comes to high-calorie foods, you won’t go wrong if you allow one small treat a day. That might be one cookie or a fun-size candy bar.

    15. Pace, don’t race. Force yourself to eat more slowly, and savor each bite.

    16. Hydrate before meals. Drinking 16 ounces, or two glasses, of water before meals may help you eat less.

    17. Downsize plates, bowls, glasses, silverware. Using smaller versions of your serving ware will help you eat less food.

    18. “After 8 is too late.” Adopt the motto for snacks after dinner.

    19. Buy a pedometer and get moving. Health experts recommend taking at least 10,000 steps a day, which is roughly 4 to 5 miles, depending on your stride length.

    20. Treat yourself occasionally. If your chocolate craving is getting to you, try diet hot-chocolate packets.

    21. Dine at a table. Eat from a plate while seated at a table. Don’t eat while driving, lounging on the couch or standing at the fridge.

    22. Eat out without pigging out. Figure out what you are going to eat in advance of going to the restaurant. Order the salad dressing on the side.

    23. Get plenty of sleep. Scientists have found that sleep deprivation increases levels of a hunger hormone and decreases levels of a hormone that makes you feel full.

    24. Weigh yourself regularly. That’s what successful dieters and those who manage to maintain weight loss do.

    25. Reward yourself. When you meet your incremental weight loss goals, say losing 5 pounds, treat yourself to something — but not food. original source

I find the articles so informative and I hope you do too. Although these  things are not new (I bet you have read a lot of stuff like this somewhere too) but it is good to be reminded of the simple and sensible ways of really, really losing weight. All of them  have been harping on the importance of keeping ourselves hydrated all the time, but I find the idea of putting lemons in our drink for body cleansing quite interesting. Maybe that would be worth investigating as well as the relationship of weight loss and vitamin d which I have heard about a lot.

Miles Reyes